Houston Paralegal Association invites Texas Paralegal Association leadership to meet in Galveston, Texas for the 2023 annual meeting of TAPA.

Fri, Mar 31st - Casino Night Social at Fish Tales Bar & Grill - 6:30-9:30 PM
Transportation from hotel to Fish Tales on Seawall Blvd., overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. Enjoy a delicious dinner buffet and play casino games - Black Jack, Craps, and Roulette. You will have the chance to win Door Prizes.
Cost: $50 per person (includes dinner, one drink ticket, and casino dollars)
Sat Apr 1st - TAPA Meeting, Hilton Galveston Island Resort - 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Meeting of the member associations of TAPA, including a breakfast buffet. A mid-morning break will be provided for hotel check out and luggage may be stored in the meeting room.
Cost: Free - 1st association representative
$30 - Additional association representative
CLE Option:

TAPA registrants are invited to attend HPA's Advanced CLE Conference on Friday, March 31, 2023 at Galveston Island Conference Center (next door to the hotel). You can earn up to 6 hours of CLE with a choice of sessions from two CLE tracks. TAPA attendees can register at a reduced registration fee of $75.
See attached brochure 2023 HPA CLE Conference Brochure_.pdf
Cost: $75 ($25 savings from HPA membership cost)
Hotel Information:

A room block has been reserved at Hilton Galveston Island Resort. Rooms are $179 for Thursday and $199 for Friday Night (yes, that is reduced from their normal rate). To reserve a hotel room, click here: Available Rooms - Hilton Galveston Island Resort
Houston Paralegal Association looks forward to seeing you at TAPA.
For questions, contact HPA at hpa.admin@hpatx.org.